Human Resources

Human resources

Helping HR management reduce employee turnover.

WhomLab has gamified employee profiling. We combine an app used by staff, with an HR platform for skills assessment and training. 

Human Resources statistics show that 1 in 4 employees does not have the skills needed to do their job.

Typically employees start in a position and then get promoted; their job changes. Do they have the skills needed for this new role? Most don’t and this is why we end up with imposter syndrome and the great resignation.

We give Human Resources key insights into their staff’s top skills and skills gaps, to be able to successfully match employees to career growth opportunities available.  

Monitoring training becomes easy, affordable, and highly effective, improving employee engagement and overall performance.

We use games and AI to create an HR tool to:

icon of a person

top skills

Employees who use their strengths are more engaged, perform better, and are less likely to leave.

skill gaps

Critical skills gaps affect individual and team performance; Identifying them is key to increasing productivity.

Reducing employee turnover

Efficient skills management ensures the right person is on the right job, increasing employee loyalty and overall performance.

Human resources

We provide Human Resources with a platform to assess and develop staff.

By assessing, training, and monitoring the skills of your staff, WhomLab can help you identify your highperforming employees. Your HR management will be able to match the skills needed for a position to the most suited staff, increasing employees’ performance and engagement.

Your staff will play our games, making skills training fun and your HR managers will access a platform with key metrics to identify your staff training needs, both at the individual and at the team level, and then provide targeted training.

With WhomLab your staff will get training on the top job skills by the World Economic Forum and your HR managers will get key insights into skills such as:

  • Self-confidence.
  • Decision making.
  • Learning rate.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Risk-taking .. and more 

We are modernizing employee profiling. We are gamifying training and assessment boosting performance and reducing staff turnover.

Contact us with your needs. We have 3 plans depending on the number of your staff and your specific needs. We will easily integrate the WhomLab platform into your Human Resources tools. Contact us to get a quote today!

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